
Today's The Day

What have you been putting off doing? Procrastination is a universal habit, you know. It doesn't matter what your culture, country, political affiliation, or views on religion, because there's always something that you can put off until tomorrow...and usually do. For me, it's been dealing with our spending habits. And more specifically, my spending habits. But for the next 28 days, I'm forcing myself to focus on where the money goes and pay attention to how often I find myself on Amazon, ready to hit the "buy now" button. 

Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

Let me be clear, we have money in the bank, never carry a credit card balance, our cars are paid for, and we're actively paying off our home mortgage ahead of schedule, so I'm not doing this because I need to dig my way out of a financial pit. I'm doing it because I know I could do better. I know how easy that Amazon app is when something comes to mind that we need. And sometimes it is a need - most recently it was socks for one of the kids, because the ones she has are literally two sizes too small - but not always. Books are my nemesis, and the offer of free credit for Kindle purchases can be quite appealing. Come on, Bookworms, you know exactly what I'm talking about! 

I also know how easy it is to find an excuse to pick up dinner on the way home. I forgot to thaw the meat...I forgot to put something in the Crock-Pot...I don't feel like making dinner tonight...we're in town anyway, so I'm just going to pick up something from our favorite Thai spot... you get the idea. When it was just the two of us, those meals out were a little more excusable...and less expensive. But with a family of seven, most of whom are still actively growing and therefore hungry, a dinner out (even takeout) can be upwards of $80 or more. That's nothing to sneeze at! 

As I mentioned in my post last week, I made the decision not to give up my Starbucks stops this month...but I'm even reconsidering that as I think about those $5 and $10 stop-offs and how quickly they add up. My Starbucks card is on automatic reload, which makes it so easy to stop by and not think about the dollar amount racking up. For one month, couldn't I plan ahead and bring my hot tea or coffee with me from home while I'm sitting in the car, waiting on kids, reading a book from the stack? Lest you think I'm a Starbucks junkie who is there every day, we're talking maybe once a week...but once a week would add up to $20-30 a month, or more, depending on whether I was just buying for myself or if I decided to treat the kids to a hot chocolate or our oldest to her favorite beverage or grab a coffee for the Hubs, just because. 

But it's not just about money. As I said in the beginning, procrastination is universal. I have several habits that I'm trying to solidify at the moment, that really require nothing more than self-discipline and the determination not to give up. From faithfully using the lotions and potions for the rosacea that I'd given up doing anything about, to refusing to allow myself access to the computer until my quiet time with the Lord is done (and not rushed), and even to getting back into the habit of blogging, I'm finding that it's all about not allowing myself to make excuses. If I want something to happen, then I just need to do it. And so do you. 

So today's the day. It's time to start doing whatever it is that you've been putting off, whether it's related to money or weight loss or some other discipline. Come along with me for the next month and let's see what we can accomplish together!  


  1. I had decided to do this also. One because of the money, but also because spending was my "make me feel good" thing and if I look around my house now that it is just my husband and I, we have a lot of crap. 2021 is my clean out, use up simplify year.

    1. Same here, Kathryn! It is what makes me feel good...momentarily. But then I'm stuck with all this stuff, and I look around and feel think, "WHY??? I just put myself right back where I started!" Despite boxes and boxes of stuff being donated, there's always MORE. I'm hoping this month gives me a different perspective. I hope you'll come back at the end and let me know how it went for you!


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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