
Quiet {Week 34}

I've been thinking, again, about why I keep this blog. My days of faithfully writing five posts a week are long over, possibly never to return. I suppose the main reason I keep it is because I don't want to lose the last four years. It's been like a journal of sorts, hitting the highs and lows, giving me something to do when we returned to the States and a place to chronicle growth and failures. And despite the fact that it has never turned into the mega-blog that I once dreamed it would (you know, throwing me into the path of greatness and book deals), I have met truly lovely people through it. You, in fact. That's right, you right there... including the lurkers who never comment (Confession: I rarely leave blog comments either).

So it's gotten a bit quieter in my blogging world. Just as the blog posts have slowed to a crawl (I'm doing good to get one up a week!), so have the comments, and I don't blame you. Even the Facebook page has downgraded to a whisper, and let's face it, my Twitter presence was never something to write home about.

In fact, the longer I work in social media (you know, for a paycheck), the quieter I get online in my personal accounts. Perhaps it's because I see the way that others view blogging and Facebook and various forms of social media - as a way to promote, mostly themselves. Maybe it's just because I'm online all day, five days a week, and it's drained the "fun" out of it. But mostly, I blame it on a quote that I stumbled upon last week, that hasn't left me yet. In fact, it was so thought-provoking for me that I made it into a Facebook header for a daily reminder. How's that for irony?

I could leave you there, because, well, there's really nothing more to say. But it is Friday after all, and my OCD-side will throw a tiny tantrum if I don't at least share a short list of things that have caused me to feel grateful this week. Indulge me once again, won't you? Thanks.


The hubs getting fed lunch at work... and bringing home the leftovers so I wouldn't have to cook

Fortune cookies that provide mirth after a long day  

The first cup of pumpkin spiced tea

That neither of my parents broke anything when they both fell last week

Opportunities to gain new skills and investigate a possibility

For a humorous and opinionated family

Reminders of what matters in life

Online-only friends who are the bright spots to my day

What are YOU thankful for this week?


  1. I'm going through a tough time and I so look forward to your Friday posts as they remind to look past my difficulties.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of your hard times, and I am grateful that you come to visit on Fridays. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  2. Wait, wait, wait, "That neither of my parents broke anything when they both fell last week." BOTH of your parents fell last week? That's kind of scary. So glad to hear they are all right!

  3. I am encouraged by your blog. I especially enjoy your Friday posts as they remind me to be content and thankful for blessings little and big in my life.

    1. I love to hear that it brings you encouragement to be content. Thankfulness always makes me do the {happy dance}! Thanks for commenting and for coming back each Friday. Blessings!

  4. I look forward to your blog postings and your friday thankful list. I am thankful for my husband who supports me and makes me laugh; my dog who gets me out of the apartment for long walks; room darkening curtains so I can sleep

    1. Love it - thanks for sharing your list! I've wondered about those room darkening curtains - so they really work? Thanks for coming back each Friday and for your kind words. They are a blessing and encouragement to me. :)

  5. I'm so with you on this one. I'm in the bloggy trough again instead of the mountain top! Tiredness I think. I like the fact though that you're committed to the thankfulness posts. I think it's a good discipline.
    I'm thankful for an extra $50 that I didn't know I needed but I did end up needing, for cheeky photos of the kids that always brighten up my mood, for a saturday where we have nothing planned, for the reassurance of God's faithfulness when I doubt.

    So glad to hear that your parents didn't break anything. Wierd that they both fell in the same week!

    1. Love that extra money, Sophie! :)

      My mom actually took out my dad when she fell - it's a long story and we're all laughing now that we know they are both okay. :)


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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