
Grateful in the Mundane {Week 32}

Earlier this week, I was in a meeting with a woman who reminded me that sometimes the very fact that everything is normal and nothing exciting is going on, is a reason to be thankful. Knowing a tiny bit of where she was coming from (recent health issues), I realized that even though I've made it a habit of giving thanks in everything, there are still times when I take for granted the everyday, mundane life. 

So, in a throwback to my old numbered Friday lists, here are a few "mundane" things that I have taken for granted in the last week, but no longer wish to ignore, or focus on the negative.

There are always bills to pay, but we have money in the bank to pay the bills AND go out to eat

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I don't have the best hearing in the world, but I can still hear my husband say he loves me

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I don't like exercise, but I'm thankful for two healthy legs that work "as advertised"

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Family can be frustratingbut I'm blessed by their unconditional love & support

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I don't drink enough water, but the water I have is clean - straight from the tap

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I have frustrations with my workbut I get to work from home (my dream)

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My clothes are a little tight, but I have more than enough to eat

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Our future is uncertain, but I know the One who holds it

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What would make YOUR "mundane" thankfulness list?


  1. I don't have much energy in the mornings... but at least I have coffee to help get me going! :)

  2. Nice writing and the line which I like most is this "I have frustrations with my work, but I get to work from home (my dream)". The reason behind the popularity of virtual office or work from home is the willingness of many people to do it. It's really the dream of many.


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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