
I'm Back {Week 27/28...ish}

With last week being the 4th of July holiday week, I completely unplugged. I had every intention of getting a thankfulness post up, but then, as I mentioned earlier this week, life took over and I was so busy painting and cleaning and visiting and eating, that it completely slipped off my "to do" list.

Oh yes, in real life I was full of gratitude and thankfulness. Thankful for friends and family who came to help with Project 312. Thankful for paint that eventually washes off. Thankful for homemade ice cream and lunch with friends and rainy afternoons spent on a large porch. For time to read and soft couches and delicious Indian leftovers. There was so much to give thanks for on a daily basis that I completely ignored the blog. And it was glorious.

And now I'm back. Albeit it feeling a bit under the weather, but even that makes me thankful for the fact that I work from home and don't have to drag myself into an office (or pharmacy) each day! I'm thankful for a surprising number of blog comments on a post I hit "publish" on at the last minute. I'm even thankful when I wake up to hear Peter snoring, because it means that he is sleeping (he's been fighting a nasty cold all week).

This week I was surprised by a Facebook comment, and struck by the way that sharing gratitude can encourage others. As I pondered how to respond, I recognized the bottom line: it's not at all about me, it's about Jesus working in me.

When I began this thankfulness journey, I did so because I couldn't seem to focus on anything but that which we didn't have. Almost three years later, my perspective has completely changed. While I'm a "rugged individualist", pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of gal, I have finally grasped the concept that nothing I have belongs to me.

It took me a while, but I now understand that it's not about how much money is in the bank or what job I'm working, it's about my perspective. In good times and in bad, I am filled with gratitude for the amazing life, husband, friends, family, and opportunities that the Lord has given me. My desire - and our desire as a couple - is that we, and our "stuff", be available to used by Him, for His service and glory, to bless others. I am blessed. I am humbled. I am awed.

I am thankful. 

How about you?

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A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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