
Thankful For :: Week 17

Lessons learned this week:
It's a long way to fall off a high horse
When you can't say anything nice, it's often better to say nothing at all
Sometimes, Friday really does get here quickly

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This week, I am thankful for:

1371. A patient husband

1372. Spring days

1373. Good books

1374. Opportunities to learn

1375. Friends who pray and encourage

1376. Reminders that there is more to life than the computer

1377. A restful and relaxing weekend

1378. A lack of ants in my kitchen this year

1379. A freshly mown lawn

1380. God's graciousness forgiveness to a stinky person like me

What are YOU thankful for this week?


  1. Thankful for... new opportunities that are answers to prayer! And thankful for spring! :)

  2. Thankful for incredibly powerful worship and teaching, thankful for beautiful weather and sundried clothes. Thankful for a lovely weekend doing NOTHING. So grateful that God loves a stinky person like me too!


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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