
Thankful For :: Week 7

Lessons learned this week: 
Life doesn't always go as planned
I never get tired of Chick-fil-A waffle fries
It feels good to walk, even when I really don't want to do it

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This week, I am thankful for:

1271. Coffee

1272. Reminders that what we have doesn't actually belong to us

1273. The opportunity to tell our house payoff story to a stranger on the phone

1274. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day hand soap

1275. My sister (her birthday was this week)

1276. The opportunity to edit for pay

1277. Being able to work from home (I never get tired of that!)

1278. Happy, grateful clients

1279. God's faithfulness to Peter and me over the years - for bringing us together

1280. For our Valentine's dinner at Chick-fil-A!

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Nothing says "romantic" like having your picture taken with a cow! 
Chick-fil-A provided the chocolate covered strawberries - yum!

What are YOU thankful for this week?


  1. Sounds like a great week, Carrie!

    (After a month without coffee, I have been super-thankful for it every morning!)

  2. I love that you got a photo taken with Peter and a cow... on Valentines Day! Hilarious!!


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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