This week I'm thankful for...
981. Knowing that this world is not my Home - a comfort in the face of political chaos
982. America - the "great experiment of democracy" - and the freedoms we have enjoyed to this point
983. The opportunity to see old friends (which actually happened last week, but missed the list)
984. New cookbooks (this time - Indian meals and 5 Minute Bread)
985. Shish kabobs from Fresh Market
986. Lunch dates with my Mom
987. Shopping dates with my sisters
988. Productive phone meetings for work
989. Time in the early morning to be still, and know that He is God
990. Future plans
Come back on Monday to see what it's all about!
Until then, what are YOU thankful for?
I'm thankful for flexible schedules, a supportive husband and so many of the privileges that I too often take for granted.