
Thankful For :: 851 - 860

First of all, thanks for your sweet responses to my Dear Friends... post. You're all so encouraging! For the record, I am LOVING my break from blogging and other Internet/computer time suckers (Facebook and Pinterest, I'm looking at YOU). Just the idea of allowing myself a break from daily blogging has opened up the floodgates of blog post ideas (why does it always seem to work that way?!), but I'm excited about the fact that I can work on them without feeling like I have to hit "publish" right away.

In other news, it's Good Friday, and while we spend time thinking about the fact that on Friday our Lord gave His life for the sins of the world, we rejoice to know that it might be Friday now, but SUNDAY IS COMING! He didn't stay dead, HE IS RISEN!!

This week I'm thankful for...

851. My heavenly Father who gave His own Son to die on the cross to pay for my sins, and your sins

852. Sunday morning and the empty tomb!

853. For the beauty of spring flowers and green leaves

854. Peter finally feeling better after being home for 4.5 days - he was one sick puppy

855. Finding encouragement through books

856. Psalm 86 - specifically vs. 11 (an undivided heart)

857. Reminders that there is much, MUCH more to life than a computer screen

858. A husband who cares about people who are hurting

859. Good news - after months of waiting, applying, interviewing, and waiting, Peter has a new job!

860. The promise that there will be people from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation

He is Risen INDEED!!

Happy Easter!


  1. 851 & 852 - Amen to that!

    Glad to hear Peter's feeling better, and congrats to him on the new job. Where will he be working now?

    Hope you all have a happy Easter and that you enjoy your screen-time break. Sounds like a good idea!

  2. Thanks, Beth! Peter's still working at the same company, but different department (and the job he would have liked to have had three years ago when we came back).


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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