
Thankful For :: 761 - 770

This week I'm thankful for...

761. Finding thinly sliced pork chops on clearance for $1.74

762. Impromptu dinner of pork stir-fry

763. Making that $1.74 stretch into two meals for two people (sliced pork in the freezer for later)

764. Opportunities to practice self-discipline

765. Lingering at the dinner table with Peter and enjoying cups of warm Rooibos tea

766. Focus

767. Early mornings that give me a jump start on the day

768. Eclectic play lists that make me want to get stuff done

769. Books that make me think outside my box

770. The fact that I'm typing this in our newly cleared out, cleaned up, and organized office!



  1. Love that photo of new improved office! Since you've been brave enough to show us your "before" photos, we can rejoice with you in the beautiful "after" photos!! : D

  2. The office looks great! I need to take the leap and finish ours up this weekend. Most of the work is done but there are still a few pesky piles that I've been avoiding. I'll use your photo as inspiration to get it done already!

  3. Your office looks great. Isn't a clean and organized room such a pleasure?

    I think I've commented on it before, but I LOVE Rooibos tea. Daniel got hooked on it in his Kenya days and has since gotten me into it too!

  4. Wow-your office is beautiful. Your baby steps method is fantastic. I am so motivated when I see how your posts talk about how you and Peter are meeting your goals. Congrats. = )


  5. Thanks, everyone! It's not 100% done yet (I still have a small stack of paperwork to file), but it's getting there! I'm just happy to have the computer moved out of the bedroom and back into the office. It has helped me cut back on my tech-time as well, and get more reading done (which I do in the bedroom). Interestingly, I've been sleeping better since I've stayed off of the computer at least an hour before bedtime. Who knew? :-)


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