
Countdown to Pumpkin Launch :: 8

If you know me in real life, if you follow my pins on Pinterest, if you've been reading the blog any time at all, then you know that I have a bit of a love affair with all things autumn-related and an over-the-top pumpkin fetish.

My fetish began at a very early age...

My nephew has been working at our local Dunkin' Donuts over the summer, but last Saturday was his final day at work (something about being a high school senior and no time). I popped in for some coffee and about had a fit right there in the store when I saw the word "Pumpkin" on the doughnut shelf. It's a good thing he loves me because I'm quite sure that standing there with your friends and co-workers while your crazy aunt does the {happy dance} over pumpkin doughnuts doesn't rank high on the coolness scale of most 17 year old males. But he has always been sweet and understanding, and when his co-worker offered to let me try a pumpkin donut hole, I almost jumped over the counter.

Let me just say that if you live close to a Dunkin' Donuts store, take a Pumpkin Munchkin for a taste test. It's like fall has arrived in food form. The only thing that would make it better would be holding a Starbuck's Pumpkin Spiced Latte in the other hand. Yes, that would be perfection.

But I digress...

You might be scratching your head about the pumpkin countdown idea. Let me leave you in the dark no longer - September is 8 days away. Still not clear? Well, that would be the month when all things fall are allowed out in our house. Including pumpkins. Since I'm chomping at the bit for autumn to arrive (and bring those lovely nippy days with it), I'm taking advantage of my blog to have a countdown to September. A list of things each day that I love about fall. Care to join me?

Fall food & drink*

* pumpkin doughnuts
* pots of soup
*Pumpkin Spice Lattes
*pumpkin bread (homemade)
*apple cider

Mmmm...homemade pumpkin bread (mini loaves)


  1. This makes me SO happy! I love, love the fall. I can't wait to break all things pumpkin out at our house too. I haven't had Dunkin Donuts' fall selection, but the pumpkin spice latte is SUCH a fall-flavored treat!

  2. Oh boy, I love those pumpkin spice lattes, too! And I love pumpkin bread with chocolate chips -- it's a very yummy combination. Hmmm... only problem is that I'm supposedly doing an Atkins/South Beach type diet. Ah well, maybe just a bit of sweet pumpkin treats in moderation this fall. ; ]

  3. You get NO argument from me. I totally agree that Fall, and that it brings, is the very bestest of all the seasons.
    It's almost here. It's almost here. It's almost here!

  4. Erika - Peter makes a mean pumpkin spice latte at home, but there's always something about grabbing one from Starbucks each fall. :-)

    Sandy - I KNOW!! We mostly eat South Beach-friendly, but I have to give in a bit when it comes to the season of pumpkin bread and donuts! Haha! How's your son doing?

    Molly - I'm doing the fall {happy dance}. :-)


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