
Thankful For :: 451 - 460

This week hasn't been easy - mostly because I wasn't sitting on a beach with a book or enjoying relaxing with Peter without worrying about what was going on at home. Reality hit with a vengeance on Monday - dirty house, stacks of paperwork, back to work at jobs we don't love (but are thankful to have), hectic schedule and bill paying. On Wednesday I was absolutely dreading the day, but I decided that I needed to change my attitude and I took this verse as my "theme" for the day...

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24

In fact, on Wednesday morning before work, I was walking around the house singing "This is the day..." at the top of my lungs as a pep-talk for myself. I was reminded that every. single. day. is a day that the Lord has made and He will help me handle whatever that day holds - I could start with a stinky attitude, or start with a positive attitude. It was my choice

This week I'm thankful for...

452. God's faithfulness to bring verses to mind right when I need them the most

453. Employment

454. Beautiful summer days

455. An air conditioned home and cars

456. Being reminded that I'm not perfect and I don't have it all figured out and I can learn from others

457. Grilled hot dogs with all the extras

458. Unexpectedly getting off from work an hour early - yes, I actually did the {happy dance} at work

459. A patient spouse

460. FINALLY seeing things start to grow in our container garden!!


{Since this is the only post I have with a photo of the garden produce, I'm also linking up to Tiffany's garden post over @No Ordinary Homestead.}


  1. So amazing that over the posts you have actually come up with 460 reasons to be thankful!

  2. Wonderful thankful list this week. Love that you are taking the time to reflect on these things, big and small. :)
    And so glad to have you joining the Garden Life link up. :)


A reminder: there are more than 400,000 words in the English language, please use them wisely.


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