
My Garden Life {Week 2}

Ready for an update on the container (and surprise) garden? Once again, I'm joining up with Tiffany over at No Ordinary Homestead to share how things have grown in just one week. It almost seems that as soon as I take the pictures, something changes! We've had some good rains this week, so my container plants, as well as my surprise gourds, are all quite happy at the moment (as am I, as it means I don't have to water as much). If you would like to join us in sharing your garden glories (or seeing how others are faring this year), make sure you pop on over and visit NOH's Garden Life link-up this Friday. In the meantime, happy growing!

More tomatoes are showing up each day

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I believe these are the "Big Bertha" peppers that our friend gave us - you can see the size compared to my hand and they are still growing!

Bell Pepper growth

I think these tomatoes are going to be quite big when they are done!

And finally, my little surprise squash are starting to get green lines on them - can't wait to decorate with them!


  1. I can't wait to have a garden. We moved into our house too late in the season. If I planted anything now, it would die instantly in this 110 degree heat. Your peppers look gorgeous <--- that wasn't too odd of a thing to type, was it? :)

  2. Ah, tomatoes... such anticipation. What's that big tomato? The lobes are interesting and I bet they'll be really pretty sliced. Glad you got some rain, your peppers look awesome -- perfect for stuffing.

  3. Oh wow -- things are definitely starting to shape up there. Your pumpkin/squash has green stripes! How fascinating. I didn't expect that :)
    Your peppers are also getting huge! And is that single tomato you photographed a Big Rainbow? Ours a few years ago were striped like that. Delish!


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