
You Capture :: Pink

PhotobucketPink? The theme just about put me off for another week after my return to You Capture. And I was fine with that because sometimes you just need to let things go. For example, I have had no posts ready for this week and for the first time since I started blogging back in November '09, I was at peace with it. Writing for the blog is only fun if 1) I'm not stressed about it, 2) It doesn't feel like a chore, and 3) I hear back from people. I took a short hiatus from blogging and then had five posts last week. Some got comments and some didn't - I'm always surprised by what people will comment on and what they don't. At any rate, it made me realize that there are too many other things that I want to get done each week - like laundry and trying to get the house picked up and cleaned up, and possibly writing another book, and growing vegetables on the back deck, and finishing the Project House, and a million and one other things that I don't have as much time to do now that I'm working outside our home. So blogging has gone on a back burner - unless I feel moved to write or participate in things like You Capture (but only if I get something I think is worth sharing) and I'll certainly continue to be here each Friday with my Thankfulness List. And I'm back for You Capture this week because I walked out my front door this week and discovered that my beautiful pink-ish/coral roses and hot pink peonies were just beginning to bloom. Perfection (the flowers, not my photos of them!). If you want to see more pink, make sure you pop on over to the You Capture link up @I Should Be Folding Laundry.

P.S. All photos were played with by yours truly using PhotoBucket, Photoshop, and Picasa3 - just in case you were wondering.






  1. I love the buds. So pretty! Glad you're taking the stress out of blogging...I am starting to see too how easily this hobby can become a chore! AND I had no idea you were an authoress...I can't wait to check out that link!

  2. Beautiful pictures! I'm really partial to pink, but I think they look great.

    I agree with the randomness of blog commenting. I know for me, I'll write something really serious and heart-felt and get nothing but then post something short and shallow and get more comments. Go figure... Or then I won't get any comments on something but then I'll have friends mention it on the phone or e-mail me about it... When I wanted comment affirmation :)

    I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! It is always really fun for me to read what you have to say. But also, blogging shouldn't be stressful. It gets really hard to keep up a blog when you have a million other things pulling you in other directions.

  3. These are so pretty! Glad you aren't feeling stressed about your blog. It should be fun! Sounds like you have lots of other things to do too!

  4. Oh my, how pretty!! Love it...

  5. Beautiful. I'm so glad you posted.
    I understand the comments...I post my heart out and no one comments, then someone mentions my blog in real life...no no no those are separate, just comment :)

  6. Peonies are my very favoritist of favorite flowers.
    Can I place an order for more pics as they continue to bloom?? ;) {yes, I really am THAT demanding}

    I'm loving that life is picking up for you in so, so many ways and totally agree that blogging is MUCH more fun when you remove the stress. That's a lesson I keep learning over and over again!

  7. Lovely roses...ours are just starting to open here as well.

    I definitely know what you mean about blogging. Sometimes you just have to step back for a while and get the things done in life that need to be done!

  8. Those pictures are stunning, Carrie. I think I particularly like the last one... the promise of the flower rather than the entirety!

  9. P.S. I apologize for my at-best patchy presence recently. I'm hoping things will be back on track now that my essays are done...


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