
This is NOT on my wish list...

Please tell me this is a joke. I know it's not, but it seems like it should be.  A couple of the highlights, or perhaps, "low lights" would be more appropriate, are: "Marshmallow soft fleece"..."it's like a hug she can wear". Somebody wrote those lines and decided they were good enough for those of us who are subjected to this ad. I was trying to watch a news video about the issues in Egypt and this ad came on first. Tacky. However, the fact that they found a woman who would act like a 2-year-old while wearing a Hoodie Footie the color of Pepto Bismol truly boggles my mind. If you have two minutes of your life you never want to get back, then I've shared the video below...


  1. Her horrendous all-pink decor...

    Wow, talk about patronizing. I hope she grows up and stages her own Egyptian protest...

  2. aaahahaha i would totally wear that if I was alone...so warrmmm


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