
On Assignment :: Week 1

Guess who is joining yet another link up? That's right, yours truly. My friend Beth has decided to start a link up which she will host every Monday on her blog, beth stone studio. Each week she will give a different assignment, and all who want to join in that week are welcome. Sounds like fun to me! If you want to read more about it, you can click on the button which should take you to her blog.

This week the "assignment" was to take a picture of something with sentimental value and to tell the story behind it. I considered a lot of things (the strand of pearls from Peter, a diamond necklace from my mom/grandma, the o-ring I wore before Peter and I were officially engaged, a handmade quilt), but I finally settled on my little Pilgrim girl pin.

It's not a very long or exciting story, but it's still special to me. My family moved to Tennessee six years before I came along, so I was the only person in my family who was not born in Oklahoma. My grandfathers had passed away and both of my grandmothers still lived a thousand miles away, which meant that I didn't get a lot of face time with them. On my birthday and at Christmas I would get a card with money, but that's just not the same as spending time with your grandparents. However, receiving a piece of mail addressed to me was always exciting - I still feel the same way when I get a notice that someone has commented on the blog! One autumn - out of the blue - I got a small package from my paternal grandmother, and inside was this little Pilgrim pin. My grandma wrote a note that said this little pilgrim girl reminded her of me. Even though the girl was blond and I have always had dark brown hair, I can still see why. Isn't it obvious? She's holding a pumpkin! The pin is almost twenty-five years old now, and I still wear it around Thanksgiving. My grandmother passed away last summer, but I still think of her each time I pull this pin out. It's a good memory that has lasted a lot longer than a card with money in it ever did.


  1. That is so precious! We really are a lot alike! That brought a tear to my eye! Love your little pilgrim pin!

  2. So, the pumpkin obsession goes back awhile, eh?

    Another fun link up! Thanks for pointing me that direction :)

  3. cute pen and it's speial from Grandma. Gret pics of her. Where did you get them? What happened to your cuteness as a child? You are still as JOSEPH! Love ya!

  4. Good story.... thanks for doing the linkup! Hope you're having fun with it!

  5. Aww, what a sweet story. And the pin is adorable!

    I might have to check out the link up for those Mondays when I don't have something brilliant to post about! ;)

  6. You're right; there's nothing like spending time with a grandparent. I know your pin is so special to you. I have things from my grandmothers that make me think of them every time I see them. I wonder what my grandchildren will remember me by?


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