
Wednesday Book Recommendation

Today's book recommendation is a little different and might raise some eyebrows (until you've read it). A friend - who I knew to be a very strong Christian and went to Moody Aviation with Peter - let me borrow this book and made me promise two things: 1) I was not allowed to read the ending first (a bad habit of mine) and 2) I couldn't stop reading it in the middle. Fair enough. It was a good thing he made me promise both because I was ready to throw the book away when the crux of the storyline became clear...something is found during an archaeological dig in Israel that could end the Christian faith once and for all. As the cover of the book says, "Was it the hoax of the century...or a truth so shattering it would tear the world apart?"

A Skeleton in God's Closet

You may or may not have heard of Paul L. Maier's book, A Skeleton in God's Closet, but it's the book I'm recommending today. When my friend told me the title I looked at him a little funny...you want me to read a book called what? But he pushed me to trust him and told me he knew I would like it. Midway through the book it was only his recommendation that made me continue reading. Imagine a John Grisham type novel, but instead of a crooked chief justice vs. a young lawyer, this book uses the science of archeology to take on the foundation of the Christian faith - calling into question Christ's resurrection on the third day after his death on the cross. 

Maier did a great job of developing the plot and has a writing style that sucks you in and keeps you guessing. Fellow author Paul Erdman is quoted as saying, "Paul Maier has created a new genre - the theological thriller." That's a pretty accurate way to describe this novel. If you want a quick overview, here it is in three sentences:

1) Jonathan Webber - professor, archaeologist, widower, and author of the book, Jesus of Nazareth - takes a much needed sabbatical to join a dig in Rama with his friend and mentor, Austin Balfour Jennings. 

2) The remains of a body and a scroll are found during the dig which point to a cover-up about the resurrection of Jesus - complete with a deathbed confession and carbon-14 dating.

3) As the world and Church are shaken to their core, Jonathan Webber must deal with budding romantic feelings for Jenning's daughter, guilt over what he has uncovered, and eventually discovering a murderer and having his own life put into jeopardy.   

Interested yet? Look for a copy at the library or pick up a copy from Amazon. When you want to quit halfway through the book or read the ending to find out what happens, remember that I didn't and now I'm recommending it. :-) Happy Reading!

For more great reading ideas, check out the Booking It reviews on Life as MOM.

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  1. I read that book when it first came out! How funny! I'm thinking we have a lot in common. ;)

  2. I am going to have to put that one on my reading list


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