

New Year's Eve fireworks, compliments of the local Volunteer Fire Department who sold them as a fund-raiser! :-)

I'm feeling a bit reflective as 2009 left us and 2010 begin. There's nothing life-shattering in this post, but there usually isn't in what I write, but for what it's worth, here are my thoughts...

We've said several times over the course of the year that 2009 was not easy. We lost several friends in accidents and family members and neighbors to illness. We've prayed for many people who have been sick, have lost children, or who are struggling with job loss. However - God is still in control and He is still faithful.

Our holidays were pretty quiet, and yet that was good for us. We spent time at home watching movies, relaxing, exchanging gifts and enjoying the season. We also spent time at my parent's house with family, played games, laughed over stories, sat around several roaring fires, and ate all the good food my mom likes to stuff us with when she gets some of her "babies" together. :-)

We got to see friends and spent time visiting and catching up (over food, of course!). There were a couple of little life  "glitches" - things I would rather not have had to deal with - but overall, nothing to complain about when we sit back and realize how blessed we are and how much we have.

And now a new year is upon us - how did that happen? As I reflect, I realize that years, goals, and questions that crept by in my childhood...

How long before I'm in school? How long before I hit double-digits? How long before I can drive? How long before I'm done with high school? Will anyone ever like me enough to ask me out?

...are now flying by...

Have we been married 10 years already? Wow - you're only 5 years away from 40! That was only a couple of years ago - wait, that was in '97 - oh shoot! What do you mean 'Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed' is a classic??

...and the real proof that time does pass and eventually you realize that you are slowly becoming the "old fogey" is when you begin to think...

Hmmm, the clothes that I wore as a kid are now 'back in style' and I'm walking around thinking, "Those should never be worn again..."

Oh yes, it happens.

Now, I'm only 28, and I realize I still have most of my life stretching before me (if an illness, accident, or the Lord's Return don't get me first!), but I think it's fun to look back (and look to the future) whether one is 8 or 108! There's no use regretting things that you can't change, words that you can't take back, actions that you should have taken but let pass by. But it's a new year and a clean slate and we move forward.

My prayer is that today I am more like my Father than I was yesterday and January 2, 2011 will find me looking back one year to today and reflecting that I have grown spiritually and that people see more of Christ reflected in me than they do today (January 2, 2010). Of course I would like to have a cushioned savings account and a car I own and a neater/cleaner house - but in the end, those things are all secondary to the real meaning of life. I want to be a cleaner mirror of my Father so that I may clearly reflect His light and direct those who are looking to the Son.

What are some of your favorite memories from the past year or 10 years? What are your goals?

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