

I started writing a post, and then stopped. And then started again. And then saved it as a draft. It wasn't time to write that post yet. Ever had one of those? Something to discuss, but the timing is off?

Summer is one of those times when there is just too much to do offline. Enjoying the front porch swing. Reading books. Conversing over a good meal with family. Reveling in rainy days. Even working on Project 312, though we are a bit the worse for wear after that!

A week goes by, and then two and three, and I realize that I have written nothing for the blog. I'm too busy making connections, working on real-life and online (non-blog) engagement, living life. I'm more interested in reading a book than writing a post that a handful of people will bother to read.

I work in social media for a living. I preach, along with my teammates, that bloggers must be consistant, that they should post at least once a week, that they should find their voice and their focus and move forward, boldly. But preaching is much easier than practicing.

No doubt you should schedule tweets and engage on Facebook and Google+ and LinkedIn, and yet, in the words of a woman who became famous after a fire broke out in her apartment complex, "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

So here I am, happily working, playing, reading, eating, sleeping, and hanging out, with not one auto-tweet in sight, no scheduled blog posts, not even a plan for what I might want to write about, just a few ideas tied up in drafts. And you know what? Sometimes... that's okay.

What's keeping YOU busy this summer?


  1. I'm a big fan of this post, Carrie!

  2. Life keeps me busy, sister dear! Hang tough! You write your blog when you want to; I will always read it! Actually, been checking with you daily to see a new post! Feel better????? Love ya!!

  3. Always enjoy your posts when you do blog. I also check daily to see if there is anything new. And I don't read very many blogs!

    1. Well, I'm honored! Thanks for checking in and stopping to say hello. :)

  4. Hello Carrie,

    I'm fairly sure that you get and give most when you're happy. So if not blogging is what makes you feel great, I'm fairly sure not blogging should be high up on your list of things to do. Throw away the idea for the summer!

    "Sometimes that's ok"? - always that's ok, following your heart, your own rhythm.

    As for me, I have mountains to climb, hammocks to lie in, live jazz to indulge in. Summer in the Swiss Alps has me feeling top of the world! :-)

    All the best!


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